Dormitory Complete: April 2nd, 2008

Dormitory Complete: April 2nd, 2008
The happy and grateful girls of NABSS!

The new dormitory, inside view - the new bunkbeds (mosquito nets not yet set up), cutting the ribbon on April 2nd, 2008

Students, teachers and others at the dedication ceremony, me addressing the audience (Peace Corps Country Director Bob Golledge in the background), photo-ops with students at the new dorm

Me posing with a new dorm resident, another view of the front of the dorm, me dancing with NABSS staff and students at the dedication

The NABSS student cultural dance troupe performing traditional Bimoba drumming and dancing at the dedication with the District Cultural Coordinator in the foreground

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Project is ONLINE!!

I just returned from inspecting the project site up in beautiful Nakpanduri - the school, the PTA, and the community have finished the foundation and are waiting for the PCPP funding to arrive. In the meantime, they will collect the year's fees and continue work slowly as they are able. Fortunately, this morning I discovered that Peace Corps Washington has approved my proposal and it is now posted on their website! Go to this link to donate or click on the "Donate Online Now!!" link at the top of the Blog…

Donate Online Now!!!

Once you're there, click "Contribute to this project," scroll down until you find GHANA and this:

Then, enter the amount you'd like to donate, scroll down and click "Continue" and follow the steps to bill your credit or debit card!

For some odd reason, the amount listed as "Needed" is actually less than what I indicated in the proposal I sent. I need about $11,700 to finish the dormitory and I'll take more if I can get it to furnish the place or otherwise make it even better! So, if you come to donate and find it's been filled, rather than donating to the Peace Corps "Global Fund", contact my parents at 763-537-2506 or at and we'll find a way for you to help!

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