Dormitory Complete: April 2nd, 2008

Dormitory Complete: April 2nd, 2008
The happy and grateful girls of NABSS!

The new dormitory, inside view - the new bunkbeds (mosquito nets not yet set up), cutting the ribbon on April 2nd, 2008

Students, teachers and others at the dedication ceremony, me addressing the audience (Peace Corps Country Director Bob Golledge in the background), photo-ops with students at the new dorm

Me posing with a new dorm resident, another view of the front of the dorm, me dancing with NABSS staff and students at the dedication

The NABSS student cultural dance troupe performing traditional Bimoba drumming and dancing at the dedication with the District Cultural Coordinator in the foreground

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Project Executive Summary

The new girls dormitory project at Nakpanduri Business Secondary School (N.A.B.S.S.) Will provide housing for 80 female students. A majority of the school’s female population of 120 girls live outside the immediate area and must find accommodation in town during the school year. Some stay in a make-shift building borrowed from the local presbyterian church while others seek shelter with relatives some distance from the school.

Recently, the Presbyterian Church asked the girls to vacate their premises so it can be transformed into a vocational school. It is therefore necessary for N.A.B.S.S. To build a girls dormitory on the school grounds. A new dormitory at the school would fulfill their urgent need for basic accommodation and would offer them a closer, safer, and more educationally supportive option. N.A.B.S.S., the board of governors, and the pta have each already committed 100% of their available resources to begin this project.

We need YOUR help to fund the rest.

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