Dormitory Complete: April 2nd, 2008

Dormitory Complete: April 2nd, 2008
The happy and grateful girls of NABSS!

The new dormitory, inside view - the new bunkbeds (mosquito nets not yet set up), cutting the ribbon on April 2nd, 2008

Students, teachers and others at the dedication ceremony, me addressing the audience (Peace Corps Country Director Bob Golledge in the background), photo-ops with students at the new dorm

Me posing with a new dorm resident, another view of the front of the dorm, me dancing with NABSS staff and students at the dedication

The NABSS student cultural dance troupe performing traditional Bimoba drumming and dancing at the dedication with the District Cultural Coordinator in the foreground

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Progress - small small...

The project is moving along - as we say in Ghana: small small. Slowly but surely we are moving. As you can see from the above pictures, the school finished the foundation. Then, once I had the cash in hand we started building up from there. At the moment, the walls are built up to the window level. I spent about $2,500 on ALL the cement for the project (which we needed to buy now as prices tend to rise pretty rapidly in such commodities) and another $2,100 on iron rods and the roofing sheets. What is happening is that the headmaster comes down to Tamale to meet me, we buy the necessary materials, he sends them up and gets to work, then I come up and check on things when I'm able. I was just up there for Christmas and took the pictures you see above and to the right. At this pace, I hope we can be finished by the end of February! Expect another update in a week or two!
